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The Fireside Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) includes parents, teachers, and our school's principal. We work together to provide a quality scholastic experience for all Fireside students and  to help to make Fireside an excellent school for our community. The bylaws governing the PTO are available to view here


The PTO organizes volunteer opportunities, fundraising and community events. For fundraising we do not ask our children to sell door-to-door, so please help by supporting our events and activities. Donations are always welcome, even if you cannot join the event. Check out our calendar for info or click here to donate now. 


Your generous donations provide: 

  • Professional classroom aides (paraeducators)

  • Classroom supplies for each grade and each teacher

  • STEM fair, school garden, student newspaper funding and community events

  • Art, music, library, playground and  PE equipment

  • Grants for other learning activities and technology upgrades

Where Does Raised Money Go?

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