Fundraising Info
Our parents, teachers and staff at Fireside Elementary work hard to support each child in their education and make school a fun, nurturing and safe environment. The Fireside PTO does its part by financially underwriting our children's elementary education. This includes allocations to each classroom teacher, para-educator salaries, student events and more. To cover these expenses each year, the PTO coordinates a fall fundraiser, grocery card and shopping programs, business sponsorships, and additional no-cost-to-families programs.
The biggest annual fundraising push is in the fall of each year. We ask each family to make a donation or raise money and ask for financial support from local community businesses. Our next largest fundraisers are tied to the King Soopers grocery card rewards program, which is an easy way to raise money, at no cost to you. Collectively, with every family supporting all of our programs, we will make a valuable investment in our children's education. Click here for more information on what your donations buy for Fireside and your children.
We celebrated our successful fall fundraiser on September 20th with the Fun Run and Celebration. Thanks for your support, Fireside!