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The Season of Giving

As we move from Thanksgiving to the Winter holiday season, many parents and students will noticed a lot of opportunities for our families to give to those in need. This season of giving encourages our Fireside students recognize the importance of helping others, and to reflect on the gifts we all have in our lives. The opportunities explained:

1. Giving Tree. This PTO-sponsored program provides an opportunity for current Fireside families to choose a mitten from the Giving Tree that describes a specific holiday wish. Gifts are then wrapped and brought back to school with the matching mitten taped to the gift. Gifts collected through the Giving Tree will go directly to Fireside families in need. Look the Giving Tree display in the lobby. If you have any questions please contact Laura Meese.

2. Share-A-Gift. In addition to our giving tree, we are once again collecting unwrapped new and gently used toys, games, crafts, books and bikes for kids birth to age 14 for Share-A-Gift, a local, non-denominational, nonprofit, that distributes toys to families in need within BVSD. Please place your donations in the box in the lobby through Wednesday, December 12. If you have a bike to donate, please send an email to to coordinate. If you and your kids would like to help deliver the toys to the organization, or you have other questions, please contact Rachel Setzke.

3. Sister Carmen Clothing Donations. If you have gently used winter gear, please consider donating it to Sister Carmen. There are big blue bins in the Fireside lobby and the donations go to local families in need. If you have questions please contact Kate Tubbs.

4. Student Council Food Drive. The Fireside Student Council is sponsoring its annual Food Drive to benefit the Louisville Food Bank. This food bank relies heavily on donations from area schools. There are close to 400 families in East Boulder County that will benefit from our donations. Fireside Food Drive starts when we return from Thanksgiving Break, running from November 26-December 7. Pizza parties will be awarded to K-2 and 3-5 classes with the most items per student. Please consider contributing, if you are able. Thank you!

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